Friday 28 November 2008

Double standards

This might be a very stupid question, But what I cant understand is that we as South Africans can moan so much about our government and what they are doing to us. Moan about the genocide that is happening to our fellow brothers and sisters, moan about losing our jobs and losing our jobs . We then pack our bags, the ones that can and leave, giving up our right to vote and contribute to our country. When we get to our new country we start bad mouthing SA and tell everyone how bad it is. The springboks then plays whoever, and who would you find in the stadiums waving the new south African flag ? The same people that where moaning and screaming about the injustices happening in South Africa. The same people that always talk and moan about the country that they have left ! The same people that always complain about the new government ! BUT YET they wave the new South African flag !!!!
Now my questions are:
1. Do you give up the right to support your country if you have left because you dont agree with the goverment ?
2. By waving the new flag does that mean you support the country or the springboks ?
3. Didn't you give up your right to complain when you left ?

I am looking forward to have a discussion about this topic, please post you views


Anonymous said...

Here’s the simple straightforward answer to your question:
The people who leave this country and still wave the new SA flag are showing their loyalty and patriotism to the country they truly love; the country where their hearts and thoughts reside – their true home. What other flag do you suggest must be waived? Must they waive the old SA flag at sports meetings, and face more abuse by the liberal white scum of this planet? I challenge you to answer these questions!

Red Squirrel said...

Hello Storm,
I think it is patriotism that makes people still support the springboks because I am sure that whatever horror has befallen SA it is still the place they were born, grew up in and were happy living in.
I think they love what the Nation once represented, not what it has become under the ANC and that they have to keep a place in their hearts and memories. It is their right to feel this way and they should be proud.
Yours was once a first world Nation and mainly a happy one for all races, until the communists and exploiters stirred things up.If it were not for European settlement the indigenous Blacks would still be living the basic life of the hunter gatherer. They would not have been given the opportunity to gain knowledge from education and better living standards and access to medicine, because maybe we had a few hundred years head start developmentally.
I have met some very nice South Africans, both Black and White and I have read books about your Country which have placed things into perspective, historically.
I know that a BNP Britain would afford all Europeans, our Kindred, a permanent home in Britain and would be happy to do so!
Epona x

Anonymous said...

Hey boet, if you don’t have a clue who is running this planet, I suggest you enlighten yourself before starting a blog, that demands viewers to answer stupid questions. Start your revelation with a visit to, among 10000 others, --- and then try starting another blog again.

Storm said...

Thanks for the comments so far, one thing that you need to understand is that I am not fighting, I am truly in a crossroad of what I should feel. on the one hand I feel like I shouldn't wave the new flag but then on the other hand I do. To answer your question is NO, I don't know if you should wave the old flag, and as for that website, I have seen it, and as for theories like that I have a deep understanding about that.I do allot of research into that field.

What I would like to see is some positive feedback. Just so that you know, I dont live in SA anymore, but recently I started to feel guilty of my desision, this is why I now need to try an make sense of things. Maybe this blog will be a waste of time, maybe it wont, if I get answers, great, if I dont, well, what can I do.

Looking forward to your comments

This blog will be something where we can discuss things and try and come up with solutions. Its not to fight unless our a tossing liberal.

Anonymous said...

Hi Storm,
I suggest then that you change the words in the headline of this blog. Your reference to parents who lived in the 60’s who smoked to much dope, giving birth to scum is rather offensive, --- considering the fact that I happen to fall in that category! An outrageous statement like that will only cause potential bloggers to hastily hit the back button on their browser or the X on the top left, --- or leave venomous comments. South Africa, including many other countries, are experiencing a drug epidemic which has already destroyed countless lives and families. South Africa’s problem has escalated since the ANC goverMUNT took over in 1994. In the 1960’s the only major drug-issue in SA was the illegal use of marijuana but even then it was on a small scale concentrated mainly in large cities such as Durban and Cape Town. The majority of white South African kids who were born in the 1960’s grew up in conservative, God fearing - drug free homes. After finishing compulsory schooling, more or less at the age of 17, they were compelled to attend a military establishment for 2 years, while the Portuguese, Lebanese, (UK) English and Jewish kids, who lived peacefully of the fat of the land, where exempt from military duties.

On the question of waiving flags, consider this:
Pretoria is “Blue Bull” country but at Loftus stadium you’ll still notice people waiving the “Sharks” flags as a sign of support and loyalty to their home teams. I live in Pretoria but I’m a Shark fan ‘cause I lived in Durban for 12 years, -- and I felt mighty proud when the Sharks beat the Bulls. I will probably continue to support the Sharks and waive their flag for many years to come despite the fact that I don’t live in Natal anymore. Do you get my drift?

Don’t feel guilty about waiving the SA flag on foreign soil. In fact it would be great if ex-patriots continue and increase this trend.

Why not fix a white ribbon to the flag, and in this way show your solidarity towards the anti-violence campaign running from 25 November 10 December?

Feelings of guilt and fear, especially by the Whiteman, have lead to the downfall of this once beautiful, prosperous and safe country. There is a slight glimmer of hope if we can still show unity by waiving the SA flag, even if it happens to be on foreign soil.

Follow your true feelings and not your fear – waai daai vlag broer!!!

Storm said...

Hi, I think that doing a white ribbon on the flag is a brilliant idea. As for my wordings I think that you might be right, I am kinda bad when it comes to my wording and do sometime go overboard, but thanks for the suggestion, the only one so far but a start, I will put a article up about that and see if can get it going.

If there isn't anymore suggestions then I think we have winner, we will wait or the poll to end and then take it from there.

Come on guys lets think of more ways to make our plight known